Contributed by John Gottman
The Gottmans on How to Fight Right
Conflict is a Human ConstantFrom their new book, Fight Right, relationship experts John and Julie Gottman explain why some couples conflict will never go away. Read more
The New Science of Couples Therapy
Highlights from Symposium 2018In their featured address, the Gottmans explored what research has revealed about the crucial role the brain’s seven different command systems can play in... Read more
The Science of Togetherness
Making Couples Therapy More EffectiveDespite all the intellectual excitement it generated, the hard truth is that, so far, the systems revolution hasn’t led to very effective ways of doing... Read more
Then, Now & Tomorrow
Oral Histories of Psychotherapy 1978-2017A group of innovators and leaders look back over different realms of therapeutic practice and offer their view of the eureka moments, the mistakes and... Read more
Lessons from the Love Lab
The Science of Couples TherapyThe pioneers who birthed couples and family therapy never paused to scienti cally study the relationships they treated. Now, after systematically observing and... Read more
Some intriguing findings refute popular myths about marriage. Read more
John Gottman
John Gottman, Ph.D., was voted one of the Top 10 Most Influential Therapists of the past quarter century and was recently honored with the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award by the Psychotherapy Networker. Professor Emeritus in Psychology at the University of Washington, Dr. Gottman is known for his work on marital stability and relationship analysis through scientific direct observations, self-report and physiology. He is the author or co-author of over 200 published academic articles and more than 45 books, including the bestselling The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work; What Makes Love Last; The Relationship Cure; and Why Marriages Succeed or Fail. He is the co-founder of The Gottman Institute and Affective Software, Inc., which has created a tele-therapy technology that will live on cell phones, computers, and tablets to assist therapists in couples therapy and offer direct relationship building services directly to couples. Learn more at