The Field

Editor's Note: November/December 2023

Practical Advice for New Therapists

A recent survey shows that fewer than half of people who graduate from therapy training programs ever make it to licensure. Why are so many emerging therapists... Read more

What Do Therapists Know?

Learning and Growing Alongside Our Clients

As therapists, we get to explore the mysteries of being human for a living—and to apply what we learn to our own lives. How amazing is that? Read more

Love Letters to The Field

Supporting Our Big, Hairy, Audacious Dreams

By cultivating professional relationships across differences in ages and clinical experience, we keep each other’s big dreams alive, bridge knowledge gaps... Read more

The Long, Lonely Trek to Licensure

Is Becoming a Therapist Harder than Ever?

Many beginning therapists are burning out and leaving the field before they’re able to gain their professional footing. How can we support them better? Read more

Arnoldo Cantú

There’s a big, hairy problem shadowing our field: what, exactly, is a mental disorder? Is using diagnostic language helping or hurting our clients? The way... Read more

The Future of Diagnosis

Traveling Beyond the Limits of the DSM

Take a magical journey beyond the DSM’s pathologizing legacy to a place where therapists can name and categorize suffering, while still taking into account... Read more

Editor's Note: September/October 2023

Our Love-Hate Relationship with Diagnoses

When we hear the word diagnosis, it’s hard not to think of the DSM. The dreaded DSM. But hating this particular book is nothing new... Read more

A Never-Ending Adjustment Disorder

How Therapists Navigate the Paradox of Diagnosis

A lot can go awry when you identify a person with a disorder—but avoiding diagnosis altogether isn’t always the right solution either. How are therapists... Read more

Coming Out As Plural

Setting the Record Straight on Dissociation

We all dissociate in some way to cope with the uncertainties of life, so why are people with dissociative identities often feared and misunderstood, even by... Read more

The Therapy Beat July 1, 2023

Hypnosis Revisited

Harnessing Therapy’s Most Versatile Tool

Clinical hypnosis has a rich history, broad applications, and sound research behind it—so why aren’t more therapists using it? Read more