Contributed by Mitchell Greene

5 Results

Got Game?

How I Transitioned My Practice to Sport Psychology

Becoming a sport psychologist requires throwing away much of the rule book for starting a more traditional practice. Read more

Letting Go of Our Facade

To Tell the Truth

Therapists aren't supposed to discuss personal problems, or even acknowledge having any. While preaching congruence, who among us has never pretended fondness... Read more

Why We Cry

A Clinician’s Guide

Our understanding of what happens when we weep hasn't progressed much beyond Freud's theory of catharsis. However, knowing how our nervous systems work can... Read more

In a memorable scene in Fiddler on the Roof, the main character, Tevye, pretends to have been awakened by a nightmare that he concocts to convince his wife to... Read more

Where's the science in psychotherapy? Read more

Mitchell Greene

Mitchell Greene, PhD, is in private practice in Wayne, Pennsylvania.