Contributed by Helen Fisher
VIDEO: Helen Fisher on the Truth about Adultery's Scientific Advisor Weighs InIn a world of new and emerging norms about commitment, intimacy, the right to personal happiness, and open relationships are there also new patterns? Has the... Read more
Helen Fisher
Helen Fisher is a biological Anthropologist at Rutgers University. She studies the evolution, brain systems (using functional Magnetic Resonance—fMRI) and cross-cultural patterns of romantic love, marriage, adultery, divorce, gender differences in the brain, personality, temperament, and mate choice. She has written five internationally bestselling books including, Why Him? Why Her?, Why We Love, and Anatomy of Love. Other publications include articles in Journal of Comparative Neurology, Journal of Neurophysiology, Journal of Forensic Sciences, and others. She lectures worldwide; among her speeches are those at the World Economic Forum at Davos, TED, United Nations, Smithsonian and Aspen Institute. For her work in the media, Fisher received the American Anthropological Association’s Distinguished Service Award.