Contributed by Carrie Hatcher-Kay

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9 Top Apps Therapists Recommend to Clients

From Mindfulness to Your Natal Chart

Discover the top therapist recommended apps to improve your mental health and well-being, including an app that rates mental health apps! Read more

Carrie Hatcher-Kay

Carrie Hatcher-Kay, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist, consultant, and community organizer with expertise in the areas of psychedelic integration, trauma, anxiety, and depression. In her work with clients, students, supervisees, and community groups, she integrates Internal Family Systems and family therapy perspectives with ecosystem and social systems healing, along with a commitment to address systemic injustice as inseparable from healing work. Carrie holds a certificate from the California Institute of Integral Studies in psychedelic therapy and research and is a certified EMDR consultant and a Level 2 Sensorimotor psychotherapy practitioner. Her practice, leadership, and service are founded in affirming individuals’, families’ and communities’ inherent wisdom, resources, and strengths.